Please read/check the attachment below.
Architectural History I, 2024
Final Assignment (30% of total Grade)
Due: Submit as PDF
The assignment is graded out of 20 total points across 4 questions (5pts per question). The assignment is weighted as 3. For each
question below the expectation is for a 350-400 words (no more than 500 words) response.
DIRECTIONS Read Carefully!
1. Identify which week these case studies came from in the lecture and use this information to locate it in your lecture notes and textbook.
You are also encouraged to do additional research outside of these sources.
2. Some questions mention the weekly essays, you should ensure that you use these readings to inform your answer in part.
3. Write your responses in a word doc and include the question number for each.
4. Make final edit, and don’t forget to include your name, student ID, etc.
5. Save as a single PDF and submit to Canvas Midterm assignment by the deadline!
Left: Wangcheng (Ruler’s City), 1676, Right: Sectional drawing of Shanmen, Dule Monastery 984. From Nancy Steinhart
1. Referring to the above case studies and the reading from Week 12 (Architecture of Ancient China, Korea, and Japan) Nancy
Steinhardt’s Mapping the Chinese City, discuss the importance of grids in Chinese city planning, architecture, and construction. How were
grids used, in what ways did they influence the appearances and ideals of classical chinese architecture and cities?
2. Referring to the reading from Week 14 (Architecture of Islam) Saeid Khaghani’s essay “The Notion of Time and the Image of Place”
discuss the below examples of mosque design in regard to the significance of the courtyard and its development. You may bring in 1-2
more examples to elaborate on your response.
Left: Prophet’s Mosque (Al-Masjid an-Nabawi), Medina, ca. 622 CE Right: Jameh Mosque of Isfahan, ca. 1050 CE –
3. Referring to Mario Carpo’s “Architectural Knowledge in the Middle Ages” essay (see quote but use full essay to respond) and the
below images, describe the methods of training and practice for the gothic period:
“The knowledge of medieval builders had to be at one and the same time transmitted to colleagues and shielded from outsiders. More
informative drawings, which might have encapsulated and illustrated complex building procedures, risked failure on both counts. Apart
from the problems of reproducibility that we have already discussed, such images would have been too easily deciphered by prying eyes.
A verbal discourse, to be learned by heart, had the advantage of being invisible. There was always a danger of forgetting, but as long as
initiates kept quiet, at least there was no danger of accidentally exposing their secrets.”
Left: Medieval Guilds Right: Diagram of ribbed vault
4. Referring to the below case studies discuss the important relationship between architecture and religious journeys or pilgrimages.
You may introduce other images to support your response. In what ways did the practice of the pilgrimage shape and influence
architectural construction? In what ways do these architectures reflect their respective rituals of worship?
Left: Great Stupa at Sanchi, ca. 250 BCE – 250 CE (During Ashoka’s reign) Right: Plan of Saint Gall, Carolingian Empire, ca. 817
5. Referring the below examples discuss the religious significance of geometry in these two architectures (Gothic and
Buddhist/Hindu architecture). How do geometric ideals influence the the architectures, bring in 1-2 buildings that allow you to illustrate
your argument.
Left: Gothic “ad quadratum and ad triangulum” Milan Cathedral, RIght: Mandala (Buddhist and Hindu Architecture)