Congratulations! You are ready to discharge your first client as a case manager. For this assignment, you will prepare two documents: a termination letter to be sent to your client Sue and a discharge summary for the client file. You can elaborate on the given information to complete this assignment. Using your imagination, you decide why Sue was discharged, her progress, and any pertinent follow-up recommendations. Instructions: • Termination Letter o Apply the information provided in the Case Vignette as well as your Case Plan Assignment to complete your termination letter. o Your termination letter should be addressed directly to Sue and will summarize the following points: Reason for termination (did the client complete treatment goals? Have you been unable to get in contact with the client? Are you leaving the agency? Is your client no longer interested in services?) Summary of your work with the client Summary of goals achieved Follow-up required by the client (i.e. medication management, other services, etc.) • Discharge Summary o The discharge summary is a professional note that will be placed in Sue’s file and may be maintained in agency records or sent to other providers. o Your discharge summary should include the following: Client name, DOB, date of admission, and date of discharge Diagnosis (if there is one) Any medications that were prescribed The reason for discharge The major presenting problem that brought the client to you The client’s goals and objectives Progress that was made or goals that were accomplished Problems identified but not addressed HSV340 – Case Management Client Discharge Assignment © 2022 Post University, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED How the individual appeared to be (presented) at intake and again at termination Attempts to locate the person if relevant
Assessment Description my state is North Carolina In Topic 1, you will research then discuss the certification and licensure requirements related to your
Assessment Description my state is North Carolina In Topic 1, you will research then discuss the certification and licensure requirements related to your future role and how it relates to your professional identity. This 3–5-minute recording is an introduction of yourself and your professional identity. Access your state board website and